Hotel Information

Dear guests, hotels are booking out and hard to come by. Pricing as well as minimum stay fluctuates regularly, so please note this when making a reservation. Please reserve hotel rooms as soon as possible.

Transport will be provided from all hotels / Fincas in Alcúdia Old Town as well as in Port d’Alcúdia (please check, and for select hotels in Pollença (below).

Please do not book Platja de Muro or Can Picafort.

Alcúdia Old Town (10min drive to main event, transport will be provided to the below and others in the area)

Port d’Alcúdia (12min drive to main event, transport will be provided to the below and others in the area)

Closest location (4min drive / 15min walk to main event, transport will be provided)

Pollença (15min drive to main event, transport will be provided only to these hotels)